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B.H. College (Affiliated To Gauhati University)   An Institution With 'A' Grade As Accredited By NAAC


  • Department Profile

  • Faculty Members

  • Students Activities Log Book

  • Details of Enrollment

  • Admission Wise Result

  • Student Progression

  • Student Progression Old

  • Tutorial/Remedial Class Details

  • Departmental Activities

  • List of Notable Alumni

  • Departmental Achievements

Establishment: 1966-01-01
Intake Capacity: Undergraduate: 60
Post Graduate: 20

Courses Offered

Undergraduate Course (CBCS)
Undergraduate Course (FYUGP)
Post Graduate Course (CBCS)

Total No. of Teaching Faculty: 6
Total No. of Classrooms with size in sq. meter: 6
Total No. of Laboratories with size in sq. meter: 1
No. of ICT Equipments Available: 2
No. of Books in College Library: 0
No. of Books in Departmental Library: 358
Teaching Plan for All Courses

Faculty Members
There were only two teachers in the department at the time of its inception in 1966. The Honours Course was started in 1974 with a new post created and appointed a teacher. Later on, with growing demand and increasing number of students in the department another teacher was appointed creating the fourth post.
The founder teacher of the Department of Education was Dr. Arun Kumar Das. He has retired as in-charge Principal of B.H.College. After his retirement (2000) Dr. Kunja Kusum Kakati took the responsibility as Head of the Department until her joining as Principal (31/08/2004). Dr Bhanu Nath took the responsibility of HoD and later she joined as a Vice Principal of the college. Dr Billal Hussain took the responsibility of the Department as aHoD. At present there are four teachers in the department all of whom are holding permanent position. They were appointed as per the rules and regulations framed by the UGC and state government from time to time.
As per need for PG courses two contractual teachers were appointed and there is provision for visiting teachers from time to time to fulfill the need of course curricula.
Name of the Teachers
Dr. Nirmali Malakar (HoD)
Dr. Shajahan Ali
Dr. Piyali Roy
Mr. Bhargab Pratim Bora
Mrs. Mouchumi Das
Mrs. Nabanita Talukdar
Education Forum
An association formed in the Department of Education, B.H.College, in the name of ‘Education Forum’ to generate knowledge and information to the students for their social, moral, spiritual, cultural and intellectual up gradation so that they can contribute positively to the society as a useful citizen of the country. The Education Forum of B.H.College came into existence in the year 2002. Membership of the Forum is compulsory for students offering Honours in Education. The main objective of formation the forum was to generate knowledge and develop compatibility among the students and to properly channelize the potentiality of the students of the Department of Education In 2006 the first departmental Bi-Yearly magazine ‘Educare’ was published with the contribution of articles and write-ups from teachers and students.
Magazine of the department of education

A departmental Magazine named “EDUCARE” has been released since 2006; the magazine is Bi-Yearly and exclusively for educational matters and contributed by Education Forum. The objective behind it is to provide a platform to the students of the department to explore their creative and artistic nature.
The department also publishes a wall magazine annually named “Shiksha- Jyoti” which is included one of the best practices of the college. The department owns a Departmental Library to make avail facilities of information for the students as well as the teachers.
Guidance and Counseling
Guidance and counseling is continuously provided to the students in need for academic and other purpose by the teachers of the department. There is provision for teachers mentor and mentee. The students are guided by the teachers in different aspect.
Achievement of the Department
Achievement of the department from time to time mentioned below
(i) Produced first class with distinction securing 6th position in BA final examination held in2000, under Gauhati University.
(ii) Ronia Parbin achieved first class and second position in BA final examination held in 2013, under Gauhati University.
(iii) All the faculty members are actively associated with various activities in addition to their normal duties of teaching. Dr. Shahjahan ali (Lieutenant) is in-charge of NCC, B.H.College.
(iv) A two day UGC sponsored seminar held in 2015(30- 01 October) on “Problems and Prospects of Inclusive Education in India”.
(v) The department organized a student volunteering programme on 19th April 2023 at Mothura Mahan Brahma LP School, Hotapara, an adopted village under B.H.College. Teaching-learning equipments and materials like Ceiling Fan, Globe were distributed by the students along with interaction by participating in major games and drawing completion.
(vi) Organizes field-trips every year for intimation of the students with culture, geographical factors, community, society, places of historical importance etc.
(vii) Departmental get-together has been organizing every year at the first part of new academic year.

Teaching Method

Method of teaching is an important component of any education system. Effective curriculum transaction depends on appropriate teaching method used by the teacher during teaching-learning. The teachers of the department use Lecture method, Participatory methods like Group-Discussion, Seminar, Project Method, Field-Trips etc. for teaching-learning and interaction. There is a provision for Project Work in 6th Semester in Education Honours Paper (Edu-HC-6026). The students have to submit their assignments by Paper presentation in every semester. There is provision for Seminar and Group-Discussion for the students during routine classes on significant issues related to the subject and society. The department also organizes field- trips for final year students to the places of historical importance and heritage of Indian culture.

Students Feedback and Follow- Up

There is a provision for feedback for the students after every even semester by the Feedback Cell, B.H.College. Besides this there is a provision for the students to provide Feedback for the teachers of the department separately.

As a follow-up the teachers are asked to follow up necessary measures to upgrade their skills. They are engaged themselves in developing professional skills by attending different short term and long term courses from time to time. Teachers are asked to analyses SWOT by engaging in different departmental activities and developing healthy relationship between teachers and students and teachers and teachers in and outside the Department.

Departmental Best Practices

1) Name of the Practice: Departmental Magazine and Newsletter
Success of Teaching- Learning depends on the nature of quality education. Quality education reflects on the qualitative and quantitative achievement of the learner. Academic achievement can be measured by scholastic and non- scholastic ability of the students. A healthy environment can influence the learner’s potentiality in a right direction.
 To ensure intellectual development of the students
 To encourage the writing skill of the students and teachers,
 To reveal literary, educational and creative goal of the learner.
 To satisfy the need and interest of the students
 To develop imagination capacity of the students
 To develop leadership quality of the students in editing and reconstructing ideas
 Students contribute articles, poem, and other writing materials in the magazines
 Student is in-charge of editor in magazine
 Students develop the quality of working together.

2) Name of the practice: Socio- Cultural Club (Creative- Buds )
Education is a process of wholesome development. Academic achievement of a learner can be measured in terms of curricular and co-curricular activities. Socio- cultural activities play an important part in development of social, intellectual, moral and ethical values of individual. It develops creativity among youth.
 To develop creativity among the students
 To bring positivity, make them enable in divergent thinking and enjoy in working together
 To bring some changes in their behaviour and outlooks
 To inspire students for developing meaningful inter relationship for personal and academic success.
 To make them enable to work individually and in groups
 To develop leadership quality in socio- cultural field
 To explicit their inner potentialities
 To make them realize the meaning of truth beauty and goodness in a real sense.

 Students now understand the importance and impact of creative ideas on individual and social life
 They enjoy in working together and think in divergent ways
 It boosts up their mental health
 It brings changes in their behavioural output.

3) Students’ Volunteering Programme
The students of Department of Education UG and PG courses have been performing students’ volunteering programme since last two years (Year 2022 onwards). In this programme they provide books and learning materials from the remaining portion of the fund generated by the students for the Educational Field-trip. At the same time, The Creative Buds (Socio-Cultural Club, Department of Education) performs different social and cultural activities for the benefit of the students of schools located in the adopted villages of B.H. College, Howly.

4) Name of the practice: AAROHAN
‘AAROHAN’ is an Assamese word which means ascending towards the progressive path. The Department of Education encourages students by rewarding for their outstanding performances in academic as well as non academic field. Students who obtain highest CGPA in UG and PG final University examination in college awarded for their performance by Education Forum.


Higher education is the main tool for social change and development. At this age of Globalization students should be able to compete in the Global market. The vision of the department is to make our department an excellent one by providing modern facilities to our students to strengthen and update their knowledge and information and make socially efficient, productive and adjustable with the fast changing needs and demands of the global society. The department seeks co-operation among the students, teachers, college authority and other human resources- both from teaching and non-teaching and others that is the inseparable part of the college family. Keeping in view the present need of the students and society more stress has been provided to open vocational courses in coming days. To inculcate the highest values of life, the students are oriented in some human values and soft skills through curricular and co- curricular measures. To maintain equity and excellence in higher education more stress has been given to acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding to meet the educational, socio-cultural and developmental goals through teaching-learning and participation.
Education is a subject related to teaching-learning and communication. As B.ED degree has regarded as essential qualification for teaching profession, it is proposed to approach the authority to introduce B.Ed integrated course in this department in near future which is also a prime concern of NEP2020.
There is also a need to introduce a counseling cell specifically for the benefit of students of the Department.


Human being is educated through three different modes of learning – Formal, Informal and Non-formal. Formal mode is an important component of one’s life, as it is a systematic one. Education as a discipline of formal study is directly related to the social uplift as well as to raise the standard of living in a society. Our college is situated in a rural set-up surrounded by socially and economically deprived people. These people are incapable of sending their wards to distant places for higher education. Realizing the importance and necessity this subject it was introduced in this institution in 1966, as a course of study in faculty of Arts. Initially it was introduced as a pass course in college curriculum but later on, realizing the demand of this subject Honours course of Education opened in the year 1974.
To fulfill the vision of higher education the department introduced PG course in Education under the recognition of Gauhati University in 2018 with 20 seat capacity.


The students will be able to develop different skills after completion of the course and this will also help them to build their career and prepare them as good citizens so that they can contribute to the society. Education program will provide basic knowledge and training to pursue higher studies and provide students a dignified way to lead their lives. The course will also develop a holistic approach of Education where the students will learn to create a progressive academic environment along with the help of the teachers. The course will inspire students to upgrade their knowledge and skills.
After completion of the course the students will be able to learn about different concepts related to education and society. It will help them to build their career and develop different values so that they can contribute to the society and the nation as well. Education program will provide basic knowledge and training to pursue higher studies and provide students a dignified way to earn their livelihood. The course will also develop a holistic approach of Education where the students will learn to create a progressive academic environment along with the help of the teachers. The course will inspire students to upgrade their knowledge and skills.


• Development of knowledge and understanding about the different aspects of education
• Development of insight of the students regarding various challenges and opportunities in the field of education
• Inculcation of human values and application of them in the real life situations


B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Principles of Education
Course Level: 100-199
After going through this paper the students will be-
CO1- Able to understand the concept, types, principles of Education
CO2- Able to develop a sound knowledge about the different Institutions and agencies of education
CO3- Able to develop a clear idea about the different aims of Education, Discipline, Freedom and concept of Democracy
CO4- Able to understand the concept, types and the philosophical bases of curriculum
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Educational Psychology
Course Level: 100-199
After going through this paper-
CO1- The students will be able to understand the meaning, nature, Scope and importance of Educational Psychology
CO2- They will develop a clear idea about the different theories, laws and factors associated with learning
CO3- It will also enable the students to understand different important concept like Memory, Attention and Interest
CO4- Knowledge will also be develop regarding different aspects of Intelligence, Creativity, Personality and Exceptional Children.
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Educational Sociology
Course Level: 200-299
After going through this paper-
CO1- Students will understand the concept of Sociology, Socialization and relation with Education
CO2- A deep knowledge about Culture and its connection with Education will also be developed
CO3- It will also develop a clear idea about Social change, factors of Social Change and the role of Education in Social Change
CO4- Students will be able to understand about the meaning, Importance and different types of Social group
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Educational Philosophy
Course Level: 200-299
After going through this paper-
CO1- Students will be able to develop a sound knowledge about the concept, nature, functions and branches of Philosophy
CO2- They will also develop a clear understanding about the concept, needs, Scope and functions of Educational Philosophy
CO3- It will also help them to understand the concept and importance of different Indian and Western Schools of Philosophy
CO4- Students will also be able to know about some important Indian and Western Philosophers.

B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Development of Education in India
Course Level: 200-299
After going through this paper-
CO1- Students will be able to develop a knowledge about the education system of ancient and medieval India
CO2- They will also be able to know about the Status of Education in British India
CO3- It will provide a detailed information to the students regarding education during 19th Century
CO4- It will also develop a thorough knowledge about the development of Indian Education and the Programmes in Indian Education
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Guidance and Counseling
Course Level: 200-299
After going through this paper-
CO1- The students will be able to understand the Concept, Need and importance of Guidance and Counseling
CO2- They will be able to understand different approaches of Guidance and Counseling
CO3- Will also provide information regarding organization of different guidance services
CO4- Will also enable the students to know about the guidance need of students and different school guidance programme
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Human Right, values and Peace Education
Course Level: 200-299
After going through this paper-
CO1- Will enable the students to know about different Human Rights and their implications
CO2- Students will be able to develop values
CO3- They will understand the concept and importance of Peace and Peace Education
CO4- They will also learn about the role of United Nations on Human Rights and different advocacy groups
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Educational Technology
Course Level: 300-399
After going through this paper-
CO1- The students will be Demonstrate different Teaching and Learning Aids and will also develop knowledge about Educational Technology
CO2- It will also provide the knowledge about different methods, techniques, Strategies of Teaching and learning
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Emerging Issues in education
Course Level: 300-399
After going through this paper-
CO1- Will acquaint the students with various emerging issues in the field of Education at national, State and Local level
CO2- Students will also develop knowledge about LPG, Environmental Education, Population Education, Multi-cultural Education etc.
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Environmental Education
Course Level: 300-399
After going through this paper-
CO1- The students will be able to understand the concept, importance, Issues and the relation of Environment with Human being
CO2- Will also make the students aware about the different aspects of education and will help them to conserve and protect the environment with proper skills
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Research Methodology
Course Level: 300-399 (Elective-1)
After going through this paper-
CO1- The students will be able to understand the concept, importance, types, scope and steps of Educational research
CO2- It will also develop a clear understanding about the research Proposal, Review of related literature, Research Design and Report Writing.
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Developmental Psychology
Course Level: 300-399 (Elective-2)
After going through this paper-
CO1- The students will be able to understand the concept, Nature, Scope, importance and different methods of Developmental Psychology
CO2- They will also develop a thorough knowledge about the different stages of life liked Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence etc.
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Teacher Education
Course Level: 300-399 (Elective-3)
After going through this paper-
CO1- Will acquaint the students with the process of development of Teacher education in India
CO2- The students will also be able to learn about the concept, nature, aims, scope, strategies and challenges of Teacher education
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Educational Measurement and Laboratory Practical
Course Level: 400-499
After going through this paper-
CO1- The students will be able to develop and understanding the about the concept of measurement, Evaluation and its related components
CO2- It will also acquaint the students with the knowledge Test construction, Educational Achievement Test, Personality Test etc.
CO3- The students will also be able to develop different skills through the application of different laboratory related activities

B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Educational Statistics and Practical
Course Level: 400-499
After going through this paper-
CO1- Will develop the basic concepts of Statistics and the ability to apply different statistical procedures in Education
CO2- Will familiarize the students with different concepts like Graphs, Percentile, Coefficient of Correlation, NPC etc.
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Mental Health and Hygiene
Course Level: 400-499
After going through this paper-
CO1- The students will be able to understand the fundamental and development of the concept of Mental Health and Hygiene
CO2- Will also enable the students to preserve and restore mental health with the help of different activities
B.A. Major & Minor (FYUGP)
Name of Course: Gender studies
Course Level: 400-499
After going through this paper-
CO1- The students will be able to know the meaning of Gender, types of gender and their roles
CO2- Will also develop an understanding about Gender equality and Gender sensitive approaches

B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Principles of Education
Course Code: EDU-HC-1016
After going through this paper the students will be-
CO1- Able to understand the concept, types, principles of Education
CO2- Able to develop a sound knowledge about the different Institutions and agencies of education
CO3- Able to develop a clear idea about the different aims of Education, Discipline, Freedom and concept of Democracy
CO4- Able to understand the concept, types and the philosophical bases of curriculum
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Psychological Foundations of Education
Course Code: EDU-HC-1026
After going through this paper -
CO1- The students will be able to understand the meaning, nature, Scope and importance of Educational Psychology
CO2- They will develop a clear idea about the different theories, laws and factors associated with learning
CO3- It will also enable the students to understand different important concept like Memory, Attention and Interest
CO4- Knowledge will also be developed regarding different aspects of Intelligence, Creativity, Personality and Exceptional Children.
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education
Course Code: EDU-HC-2016
After going through this paper -
CO1- Students will understand the concept of Sociology, Socialization and relation with Education
CO 2- Students will be able to develop a sound knowledge about the concept, nature, functions and branches of Philosophy
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Development of Education in India-I
Course Code: EDU-HC-2026
After going through this paper -
CO1- Students will be able to develop a knowledge about the education system of ancient and medieval India
CO2- They will also be able to know about the Status of Education in British India
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Development of Education in India-II
Course Code: EDU-HC-3016
After going through this paper -
CO1- The students will be able to develop an understanding about the educational situation during the time of Independence
CO2- Will provide a detailed information about recommendations and educational importance of different education commissions and committees in Post Independent India

B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Educational Technology and Teaching Methods
Course Code: EDU-HC-3026
After going through this paper -
CO1- The students will be Demonstrate different Teaching and Learning Aids and will also develop knowledge about Educational Technology
CO2- It will also provide the knowledge about different methods, techniques, Strategies of Teaching and learning
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Value and Peace Education
Course Code: EDU-HC-3036
After going through this paper -
CO1- Students will be able to develop values
CO2- They will understand the concept and importance of Peace and Peace Education
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Great Educational Thinkers
Course Code: EDU-HC-4016
After going through this paper -
CO1- The students will be able to know about the life and philosophies of some great educational thinkers of India
CO2- Will also provide knowledge and information about some popular western thinkers as well.
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Educational Statistics and Practical
Course Code: EDU-HC-4026
After going through this paper -
CO1- Will develop the basic concepts of Statistics and the ability to apply different statistical procedures in Education
CO2- Will familiarize the students with different concepts like Graphs, Percentile, Coefficient of Correlation, NPC etc

B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Emerging Issues in Education
Course Code: EDU-HC-4036
After going through this paper -
CO1- Will acquaint the students with various emerging issues in the field of Education at national, State and Local level
CO2- Students will also develop knowledge about LPG, Environmental Education, Population Education, Multi-cultural Education etc.
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Measurement and Evaluation and Practical
Course Code: EDU-HC-5016
After going through this paper -
CO1- The students will be able to develop and understanding the about the concept of measurement, Evaluation and its related components
CO2- It will also acquaint the students with the knowledge Test construction, Educational Achievement Test, Personality Test etc.
CO3- The students will also be able to develop different skills through the application of different laboratory related activities
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Guidance and Counselling
Course Code: EDU-HC-5026
After going through this paper -
CO1- The students will be able to understand the Concept, Need and importance of Guidance and Counseling
CO2- They will be able to understand different approaches of Guidance and Counselling
CO3- Will also provide information regarding organization of different guidance services
CO4- Will also enable the students to know about the guidance need of students and different school guidance programme

B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Developmental Psychology
Course Code: EDU-DSE-5026
After going through this paper -
CO1- The students will be able to understand the concept, Nature, Scope, importance and different methods of Developmental Psychology
CO2- They will also develop a thorough knowledge about the different stages of life liked Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence etc.
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Education and Development
Course Code: EDU-HC-6016
After going through this paper the students will be-
CO1- Able to develop an understanding about the basic concepts of Education and Development
CO2- Able to understand different concept like community development, Human resource development, Economic development, Development of political awareness etc
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Mental Health and Hygiene
Course Code: EDU-DSE-6016
After going through this paper -
CO1- The students will be able to understand the fundamental and development of the concept of Mental Health and Hygiene
CO2- Will also enable the students to preserve and restore mental health with the help of different activities
B.A. Honours (CBCS)
Name of Course: Special Education
Course Code: EDU-DSE-6026
After going through this paper –
CO1- The students will be able to understand the concept and information of Special Education
CO2- Will enable the students to learn about Special Children, Different Issues and Provisions related to Special children etc.


Mechanism for Internal Assessment
Internal assessment is a part of measuring student’s ability from time to time during their academic progression. The Examination Branch of B.H.College, conduct sessional examination for all the students of each semester before the final examination which is conducted by recognized university (Gauhati University) to assess the cognitive ability level. The result is uploaded in portal for student’s convenience. Besides this the Department keep records of attendance of the students against every class held during the period to count a percent for internal marks in addition to student participation in departmental activities from time to time both in curricular as well as co-curricular aspects.
Students who failed to attempt in the first chance can appear again examination specially conducted by specific department and the records are kept in record book. If any student found failed in internal examination get another chance to appear and upgrade them.
The students are bound to actively take part in various departmental activities that is also a part of scholastic aspect like departmental seminar, group discussion, field-trip etc and count their performance as an internal assessment.
There is provision for participatory method in teaching- learning. Students are encouraged and motivated to learn practically by engaging themselves in various. Teachers of the department follow different method of teaching:
• Lecture
• Demonstration
• Seminar
• Group Discussion
• Project Method
• Field Trip


Department: EDUCATION
Qualification: PHD, MA (NET), B.ED


Department: EDUCATION
Qualification: M.PHIL, MA


Department: EDUCATION
Qualification: . MA EDUCATION ,NET, PH.D


Department: EDUCATION
Qualification: MA, PH. D, PRCN

ID Class Session No. of Students
387TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) General2023-202472
7PG 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem)2021-202220
6PG 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem)2020-202120
5PG 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem)2019-202020
4PG 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem)2021-202220
3PG 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem)2020-202120
2PG 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem)2019-202020
1PG 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem)2018-201920

ID Year/Batch Course Total Admitted Total Appeared Total Pass Percentage of Pass Total Dropout
492022-2023UG (B.A. Hons)50504998%0
482021-2022UG (B.A. Hons)414141100%0
472020-2021UG (B.A. Hons)444444100%0
462019-2020UG (B.A. Hons)51514078.43%0
452018-2019UG (B.A. Hons)37373491.89%0

Students Placement Data
Year Name of the student who has been placed Program graduated from Year of graduation Name of the employer with contact details Pay package (in INR per annum) Supporting Document
2023Riya SarmaB.A. in Education(Honours) B.H. College, Howly2022Asssiatant Teacher, Manas Vally AcademyManas Vally Academy View File
2022Jinnat AliB.A. in Education(Honours) B.H. College, Howly2019Assam PoliceAssam Police View File
2018Sanu DaimaryB.A. in Education(Honours) B.H. College, Howly2020Ministry of Home affairs Govt. of IndiaBorder Security Force View File
2022Shabnam YeshminB.H. College, Howly2019Assistant Teacher, Gozpuria LPS14000-60500 View File
2021Dritikesh DasB.H. College, Howly2020Assistant teacher, 1007 No. Rangia Gaon LPS14000-60500 View File
2022Rimpimoyee DekaB.H. College, Howly2021Assistant teacher, Bangthaibori Adarsha LPS14000-60500 View File
2022Silpa DebnathB.H. College, Howly2022Assistant Teacher, Dakhin latibari ME School14000-60500 View File

Students Progression to Higher Education
Year Name of the student who has been placed Program graduated from Year of graduation Name of institution joined Name of program admitted to Supporting Document
2019Neep Jyoti DasB.H. College, Howly2019Barpeta Law CollegeB.A. LL.B View File
2019Jinnat AliB.H. College, Howly2019B.H. College, HowlyPost Graduation in Education View File
2019Anamika dasB.H. College, Howly2019Tihu CollegePost Graduation in Education View File
2019Himashree DasB.H. College, Howly2019Tihu CollegePost Graduation in Education View File
2019Rupjyoti saraniaB.H. College, Howly2019Kaliabor CollegePost Graduation in Education View File
2019Aminul HouqueB.H. College, Howly2019Barpeta Law CollegeB.A. LL.B View File
2019Pinky BarmanB.H. College, Howly2019Assam UniversityPost Graduation in Education View File
2019Mridula BoraB.H. College, Howly2019B.H. College, HowlyPost Graduation in Education View File
2019Dimpi DasB.H. College, Howly2019B.H. College, HowlyPost Graduation in Education View File
2022Sristi DasB.H. College, Howly2020B.H. College, HowlyPost Graduation in Education View File
2022Manalisha baishyaB.H. College, Howly2022B.H. College, HowlyPost Graduation in Education View File
2022Eliza khatunB.H. College, Howly2022B.H. College, HowlyPost Graduation in Education View File
2022Jharna BrahmaB.H. College, Howly2022Pandu CollegePost Graduation in Education View File
2022Nobonita RayB.H. College, Howly2022Pandu CollegePost Graduation in Education View File
2022Manisha DasB.H. College, Howly2022Barpeta Law CollegeB.A. LL.B View File
2023Jwmwi Rani BasumataryB.H. College, Howly2023B.H. College, HowlyPost Graduation in Education View File
2023Aresha KhandakarB.H. College, Howly2023B.H. College, HowlyPost Graduation in Education View File
2023Ansumwi MochaharyB.H. College, Howly2023B.H. College, HowlyPost Graduation in Education View File
2023Rejina ParbinB.H. College, Howly2023B.H. College, HowlyPost Graduation in Education View File
2023Krishnananda NathB.H. College, Howly2023B.H. College, HowlyPost Graduation in Education View File
2023Sofia MonowaraB.H. College, Howly2023USTM, MeghalayaPost Graduation in Education View File
2023Jyoti Rekha LahkarB.H. College, Howly2023Epitome, Barpeta road BranchPGDCA View File

ID Description File

ID Year Semester Classes Alloted Classes Held No. of Beneficiaries
272022-2023TDC 3rd Sem4432
ID Date Title Description File
5072020-02-04Wall Magazine,2020The Departmental Magazine ‘Educare ‘was inaugurated by Padmashree, Dr. Birubala Rabha on 4th February 2020. On her speech she appreciated the hard work of the students and advised to do more creative work in future to establish themselves as a responsible citizen in society.
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5062020-01-01"EDUCARE" a Departmental MagazineDepartment of education published a departmental magazine in 2020.
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5052020-02-04Departmental Magazine,2020The Departmental Magazine ‘Educare ‘was inaugurated by Padmashree, Dr. Birubala Rabha on 4th February, 2020. On her speech she appreciated the hardwork of the students and advised to do more creative work in future to establish themselves as a responsible citizen in society.
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4702024-05-14Departmental FarewellDepartmental farewell for the PG 4th semester and UG 6th semester held on 14th May, 2024 at Room No- 14, B.H.College, Howly. All students and teachers of the Department of Education were present in the meeting. Dr. Bhushan ch. Pathak, Principal, B.H.College delivered the speech as a special guest and encouraged the students to prepare for future to become a responsible member of the society.
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4412024-04-04One Day Interactive and Demonstrative ProgramInteraction Programme on Research Methodology An interactive cum demonstrative programme on Research Methodology held on 04/04/2024 at Room No -27, B.H. College, Howly. The Resource Person of the session was Ms Jayasree Das, Asst. Prof. Krishna Guru Adhyatmik Visvavidyalaya. Students of both UG and PG were presented at the programme along with the teachers of the department. No of Participants - 76
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3752024-03-21One day Workshop cum Demonstration on Teaching Skills (MoU activity)A workshop cum demonstration session held on 21/03/2024 at Room No 27 on ‘Teaching Skills’. Resource person of the session was Mrs Daisy Deka, ex alumni of the department and Asst. Prof of Barpeta B. T College. Students of both UG and PG of education department were present in the workshop along with the teachers. No of students were present – 78.
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3742024-03-22Students Volunteering Programme, 2024 (NCC & Creative Buds)A students volunteering programme organized by the Department of Education in collaboration with NCC unit, B.H.College, Howly and Cultural Buds, Department of Education at Kastrba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya, Gobardhana. A cleanliness drive by the NCC unit arranged and the students of the department donate some useful books to the KGBV library. Competition on art and outdoor games along with cultural programme organized and prize distributed to the achievers. No of Students present 32 + 6(NCC)
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3652024-03-03Educational Field Trip, 2024The Department of Education arranged a field trip to Coochbehar, a place of historical importance and Satriya Sanskriti of Assamese philanthropist and Prophet Mahapurush Srimanta Shankardeva at Coochbehar (Madhupur Satra) in North Bengal on 03/03/2024.
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3642024-03-02Workshop on Career Counselling, 2024The Department of Education organized a workshop in collaboration with Assam down Town University on 2/3/2024. The topic of the workshop was Career Development and Psychological Counseling. Research scholars from Assam down Town University Mr. Rahul Bhardwaj and Gitartha Pratim demonstrated the session. They discussed about the mental health of individual from various angles and the techniques and skills for career advancement.
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3632024-01-27Orientation Programme for PG studentsAn Orientation programme for the PG classes of Assamese and Education held on 27/01/2024 at Seminar Hall of B.H.College Howly. Dr. Bhushan ch. Pathak, Principal, delivered a motivational speech for the students. All the students and Teachers were present at the programme.
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2992023-10-01Collaboration programme between Education department and NCC, B.H. College, HowlyThe department of Education in collaboration with NCC,B.H.College and 10th A.P. battalion ,Howly organized a Swachh bharat Abhiyan programme (one hour ,one earth) at Moutupuri 30 badded Hospital. The in-charge of the programme was Lieut. Dr Shahjahan Ali who is also in-charge of NCC unit of the college. Students from both UG and PG took part in the programme.
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2982023-08-17Orientation Programme for PG studentsAn orientation programme held on 17/08/2023 for both 1st and 3rd semester PG students at Seminar Hall of B.H.College, Howly .Dr. Bhushan ch. Pathak , principal, addressed the house. Students from Assamese and Education Departments were present at the programme.
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2972023-11-16National Workshop on Innovative Practices in social science ResearchThe Departments of PG, Education along with other PG departments of B.H.College Assamese and Commerce conducted a Two- Day National Workshop 16-17th November, 2023 on �Innovative Practices in social science Research.� The resource persons of the workshop were Dr. Balendra kr. Das Pro-VC, University of science and Technology, Meghalaya, Dr. Amit kr. choudhury , USTM, Dr. Kishor Kr. Sarma, D.K. Girls College, Mirza and Dr. Bagsmrita bhagawati, B.H College. Students from PG departments of the college along with other research scholars and participants from other colleges and universities were participated in the programme.
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2962022-09-05Teachers� Day CelebrationTeachers� day was celebrated on 05/09/2022 in Room No- 108 at B H College premise. The Students and the Teachers actively participated.
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2952022-06-22Motivational speech cum FarewellThe Motivational programme was held on 22/06/2022 on Room No- 105 at B H College premise. The speaker delivered speech on human values and futuristic goals for career and life. The Students and the Teachers of the Department took part actively in the session.
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2942022-11-20Interaction cum motivational speechAn interaction and Motivational Programme was held on 20-11-2022 at Auditorium of B.H. College. The speaker discussed with the students about career and Discipline. Teachers and students participated actively in the programme.
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2932022-03-10Educational Field Trip to ChandubiAn Educational Field Trip was organized by the Department of Education on 10th March, 2022 to Chandubi for the study of places of Bio-Diversity and Historical importance. Students both from UG and PG courses participated in the programme under the Guidance of Departmental teachers. The main objective of the trip was to educate the students about Bio-diversity and rich cultural heritage which is helpful to develop their knowledge on socio- cultural aspects through participatory learning.
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2732024-01-27Orientation Programme for PG StudentsAn Orientation programme for the PG classes of Assamese and Education held on 27/01/2024 at Seminar Hall of B.H.College Howly. Dr. Bhushan ch. Pathak, Principal, delivered a motivational speech for the students. All the students and Teachers were present at the programme.
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1922023-06-10One day Workshop On NEP, 2020The Department of Education organized A One Day Workshop on “National Education Policy -2020” in collaboration with IQAC, B.H.College, on 10th June 2023 at Seminar Hall. The members of teaching and non-teaching staff of B.H.College attended the workshop. Prof. Ranjit Kr. Bhuyan, Vice-Principal of the college and also the co-ordinator, NEP task force was the speaker of session. Dr. Rabinjyoti Khataniar, co-ordinator, IQAC,,B.H.College also delivered lecture on the implementation of NEP -2020 . Dr. Bhushan ch. Pathak, Principal of B.H.College dicussed about the prospects and problems of NEP.
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1642023-05-30One Day career Counselling Programme, 2023The Department of Education organizes a programme on Career Counseling in collaboration with Career Counseling Cell, B.H.College, on 30th May, 2023 for the students of Honours and P.G at seminar hall. Students from 6th semester and 2nd semester took part in the programme. Dr. Chavan kr. Sarmah, assistant professor, Department of Statistics B.H.College, as the resource person of the programme discussed about the opportunities and challenges of future progression of the students and hint out the steps how to proceed for future course of action after completion of Degree in Education. Dr. Bhushan Chandra Pathak, honorable Principal of the college addressed the meeting. All the teachers and students were present in the programme.
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1482023-05-02Farewell Programme 2023Departmental farewell programme held on 2nd May, 2023 at Room No 18, B.H.College. Students from both PG and UG courses participated in the programme with colourful programmes. The students of PG 4th semester and UG 6th semester were felicitated. The teachers of the department also took part in the function. Dr. Bhushan ch. Pathak, Principal, B.H.College addressed the meeting.
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1142023-04-20Students Volunteering ProgrammeA student Volunteering Programme held on 20th April, 2023 at Hatapara Mathua Mohon Brahma Lower Primary School. In that programme a Drawing Competition and some Major sport competition like running race were organized by the Department of Education. All the students participated in the competition and Prizes to the position holders and participation gifts to all the students were distributed. The Department of education also donated some needful equipment to the School like Globe, fan, Books etc.
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982023-03-17Digital use of Library and E-ResourcesAn awareness programme held on 17th march, 2023 on ‘Digital use of Library and E-Resources’ to prepare the students digitally at present digital world, so that they can avail learning resources and become a responsible member of the college. The session was conducted by Mrs. Tribeni Pathak, Librarian, B.H. College and Dr. Rabinjyoti Khataniar, Coordinator, IQAC, B.H.College.
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972023-03-04Educational Field Trip to TezpurAn Educational Field Trip was organized by the Department of Education on 5th March, 2023 to Tezpur for the study of places of Historical importance and the Central University, (TU). The journey took place on 4th March 2023 from B H College, Howly at 11 pm. arrived back on 5th March at 9.30pm. Students both from UG and PG courses participated in the programme under the Guidance of Departmental teachers.
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742023-02-24Interactive Session on Writing Bio-Data and Facing InterviewInteractive Session on Writing Bio-Data and facing Interview Resource Person- Prof. Prabin Kr. Maheswari
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722023-02-28Departmental NewsletterDepartmental Newsletter, Vol 1, No.1
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182020-01-01wall magazineDepartment of education prepared wall magazine in 2020
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172015-03-01National seminarUGC sponsored National seminar on problems and prospects of inclusive education
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152016-01-01Departmental MagazineDepartment of Education published a departmental magazine in 2016
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ID Sl. No. Name Year of Passing Present Status Image
261Late Dr Magbul Hussain Khan1977Retired i/c Principal Mandia Anchalik College
252Dr. Manuranjan Das1973Retd Principal Nirmal Haloi College and Ex MLA Bhawanipur
233Muslem Uddin1991Assistant Professor in GLC College
224Bashar Ali1991Associate Professor/ HoD Kharopetia College
215Dr. Shahidul Islam1995Assistant Professor in GLC College
206Amir Ali1990 with Distinction and best graduateIS-Inspector of Schools
197Bodiud Zaman1993Assistant Professor Manikpur College
188Dr. Jaher Ali1991Principal , Uttar Barpeta college
179Dr. Likman Ali2000 1st class 6th position with Distinction and best graduateAssistant Professor, Domdoma College
1610Ruhul Amin1992Assistant Professor, Uttar Barpeta College
1511Dr. Hemanta Nath2014Assistant Professor, Lokanayak Omeo Kumar Das College
1412Dr. Ramjan Ali1990Associate Professor, HoD-Nabajyoti College
1313Abdul Kaddus Ahmed1092Assistant Professor, Nabajyori College
1214Dr. Faruk Hassan Siddique2005Assistant Professor, Uttar Barpeta College
1015Lieutenant Dr. Shahjahan Ali1993Associate Professor/ Associate NCC Officer, B H College, Howly
916Late Dr. Billal Hussain1982Expired Associate Prof
817Dr. Bhanu Nath1981Retired Associate Prof, Vice Principal, B H College, Howly
718Prof. Jagat Swargiary1983Professor Department of Edu, GU
619Dr Mokaddas Ali1993Assistant Professor, Bakolia College, Karbianglong
520Dr. Joynal Abdin1989Associate Professor, Barpeta Girls College
421Dr. Kaddus Ali1993Assistant Professor, Uttar Barpeta College
322Raju Das1991Assistant Professor, Bhawanipur Anchalik College
223Dr. Jaherul Alam1989Assistant Professor in Barnagar College
124Dr. Abdul Mazid1989Associate Professor in Mandia Anchalik College
ID Achievement Date View
60Nikita Das Star Icon Universe World Pageant Winner, 20192019-10-10View File
59NIkita Das, Star Icon Universe World Pageant Winner, 20192019-08-10View File
58Sofia Monowara achieved Best Reader Award, 2023 presented by B.H. College Library B.H. College, Howly2023-02-14View File
57Sharat Das 1. Gold Medal in 'Parvati Prasad Baruah Sangeet' competition in Inter-College Youth Festival organised by Gauhati University (2010) 2. Vocalist in All India Radio, Guwahati (2012)2010-10-23View File

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