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B.H. College (Affiliated To Gauhati University)   An Institution With 'A' Grade As Accredited By NAAC


HISTORY Department Notice View All

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Establishment: 1966-06-11
Intake Capacity: 60

Courses Offered

B.A. History(Honours)

Total No. of Teaching Faculty: 2
Total No. of Classrooms with size in sq. meter: 5 Nos Each of size 16x16 ft
Total No. of Laboratories with size in sq. meter: 0
No. of ICT Equipments Available: 2
No. of Books in College Library: 1268
No. of Books in Departmental Library: 100
Teaching Plan for All Courses

The Department of History works constantly to create a congenial atmosphere for academic and co- curricular activities and guides its students to acquire purity of knowledge which is so vital for them to get established in this competitive world and to grow as ideal human being. It is concerned with the challenges in general that the system of higher education is facing today and that of history as a subject in particular. It holds the view that historical developments need to be presented as simply as they took place for the sake of pure and true picture of history. As ardent disciples of the subject, the teachers and students of the Department of History sincerely expect that historical events be compiled and interpreted with a free mind without being influenced by any particular ideology. The Department of History of B.H. College, Howly stands on with that ideology of impartiality.


The History Department aims to make the students aware of the past and its legacies through teaching, research and extension activities in Indian history in the context of world history. We believe that only a critical understanding of the past will enable the students to understand the present and help them look towards the future.


• Transform the students into citizens who are critically informed about the past and its consequences for the present.
• Promote studies in history, society and culture of Assam in general and Assam History in particular including ancient , medieval and modern period.
• Empower students to cope with the challenges of globalization by instilling in them a life-long passion for learning about the past. The knowledge about the interconnections between the global, national, regional and local history will equip the students to face the challenges with confidence.


The following are the learning outcomes that we would like to see each History student graduate with.
• Capacity to explain how and why important events happen
• Understanding of the historical method of study
• A clear understanding of evidence collected from historical sources
• Critical understanding of developments in historiography
• Knowledge of the history of the India and 20th Century Modern World
• Informed familiarity with multiplecultures and diversity
• Awareness of current historical debates
• Understand the skills that historians use in research.


• Historiographical Literacy. Students will be able to identify and describe the contours and stakes of conversations among historians within defined historiographical fields
• Critical Thinking. Students will learn to apply historical methods to evaluate critically the record of the past and how historians and others have interpreted it.
• Research Skills. Students will acquire basic historical research skills, including (as appropriate) the effective use of libraries, archives, and databases.
• Communication Skills. Students will learn to organize and express their thoughts clearly and coherently both in writing and orally.
• Writing and Intellectual Integration. Students should demonstrate their mastery of the knowledge and skills involved in historical practice by conceptualizing and executing a significant piece of original research.


1.HC- HIS-1016- History of India-1- The Course will be completed with 5 lectures and 1 tutorial per week. After completion of this paper, the students will be able to explore and effectively use historical tools in reconstructing the remote past of ancient Indian pre and proto history. The course will also train the students to analyse various stages of evolution of human cultures and the belief systems in the proto-history period.

2.HIS-HC-1026 - Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Ancient World- The course needs to be completed with 5 lectures and 1 tutorial per week. After the completion of this paper, the students will be able to explain the processes and stages of the evolution of the variety of cultural pattern throughout antiquarian periods in history. They will be able to relate the connections between the various Bronze Age civilizations in the ancient world as well as development of slave and polis societies in Ancient Greece.

3.HIS-HG-1016 -History of India( From the Earliest times upto c1206)- The course will be completed with 5lectures and 1 tutorial per week. Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to explain the emergence of state system in North India, development of imperial state structure and state formation in South India in the early period. They will be able to understand the changes and transformations in polity, economy and society in early India and the linkages developed through contacts with the outside world.

4.HIS-HC-2016- History of India-II- The Course will be completed with 5 lectures and 1 tutorial per week. After completion of this paper, the students will be able to explore and effectively use historical tools in reconstructing the remote past of ancient Indian pre and proto history. The course will also train the students to analyse various stages of evolution of human cultures and the belief systems in the proto-history period.

5.HIS-HC-2026 -Social formations and cultural Patterns of Medieval world- The course needs to be completed with 5 lectures and 1 tutorial per week. After the completion of this paper, the students will be able to explain the processes and stages of the evolution of the variety of cultural pattern throughout antiquarian periods in history. They will be able to relate the connections between the various Bronze Age civilizations in the ancient world as well as development of slave and polis societies in Ancient Greece.
5.HIS-HG-2016- History of India(c. 1206-1757) -The course will be completed through 5 Lectures and 1 tutorial per week. After the completion of this course, students will be able to explain the political and administrative history of medieval period of India from 1206 to 1550 AD. They will also be able to analyse the sources of history, regional variations, social, cultural and economic setup of the period. The course will be completed through 5 lectures and 1 tutorial per week. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand the major factors that led to the establishment and consolidation of British rule in India. They will also be able to identify the process of growth of resistance against British colonial rule and the eventual growth of Indian nation.

6 .HIS-HC-3016 - History of India III (c750-1206)- The paper will be completed with 5 lectures and 1 tutorial per week. The completion of this paper will enable the students to relate and explain the developments in India in its political time period between c700 to 1206. They will also be able to analyse India’s interaction with another wave of foreign influence and the changes brought in its wake in the period.

7. HIS-HC-3026 -Rise of the Modern West-1- The course will be completed through 5 lectures and 1 tutorial per week. On completion of this course, the students will be able to explain the major trends and developments in the Western world between the 14th to the 16th century CE. They will be able to explore and analyse the significant historical shifts and events and the resultant effects on the civilization of Europe in the period.

8. HIS-HC-3036 -History of India IV(c.1206-1550)- The course will be completed through 5 Lectures and 1 tutorial per week. After the completion of this course, students will be able to explain the political and administrative history of medieval period of India from 1206 to 1550 AD. They will also be able to analyse the sources of history, regional variations, social, cultural and economic setup of the period.

9 . HIS- HG-3016 -History of India (c1757- 1947)- The course will be completed through 5 lectures and 1 tutorial per week. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand the major factors that led to the establishment and consolidation of British rule in India. They will also be able to identify the process of growth of resistance against British colonial rule and the eventual growth of Indian nation.

10. HIS-SE-3014 - Historical Tourism in North-East India- This course will be completed through 3 Lecture and 1 Tutorial class per week. After completing this course, students will be able to explain Tourism in North-East India with special reference to the historical monuments, cultural and ecological elements and places of the northeast India as tourist and heritage site of the nation. They will be able to relate to the growing vocation of tourism as an industry and the applicability of historical knowledge for its growth.
11. HIS-HC-4016- Rise of Modern west-II -The paper equips students understand and appreciate the events that unfolded in Europe during the period and how these events were not only results of previous political, historical, as well as economic and social events, but also shaped the future of European as well as World History. The paper analyses the French Revolution, the fall of Monarchy, the end of Feudalism, the growth of Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution and its relation to Colonialism.

12. HIS-HC-4026- History of India-V(c. 1550-1605)- This paper will basically focus on the advent of the European powers into India and intends to explore the factors of the establishment of British rule ultimately. The Paper will make the students aware of the various conquests of the British and the policies they implemented which had a long term impact upon the native states. They would also drive into factors that led to upsurge of political consciousness of the native powers.
13. HIS-HC-4036 -History of India-VI(c. 1605-1750) -This paper will basically focus on the advent of the European powers into India and intends to explore the factors of the establishment of British rule ultimately. The Paper will make the students aware of the various conquests of the British and the policies they implemented which had a long term impact upon the native states. They would also drive into factors that led to upsurge of political consciousness of the native powers.
14. HIS-HC-5016- History of Europe-I(c. 1780-1939) -The Paper makes the student aware of the different facets of European history with a understanding of the Concert of Europe and the Revolution of 1830 and 1848. Emphasis has also been made of the Italian and German unification as well as the First World War and ideologies like Nazism and Fascism.
15. HIS-HC-5026- History of India-VII(c.1752-1857)- This Paper speaks of the Colonial rule in India and its establishment through the different processes and the intrusion into the different spheres. The different diplomatic alliances besides the conquest have been thoroughly dealt with in the paper. The beginning of political consciousness were also articulately handled through the Revolt of 1857.

16. HIS-HC-6016-History of India-VIII(c. 1857-1950)- This paper will basically focus on the advent of the European powers into India and intends to explore the factors of the establishment of British rule ultimately. The Paper will make the students aware of the various conquests of the British and the policies they implemented which had a long term impact upon the native states. They would also drive into factors that led to upsurge of political consciousness of the native powers.

17. HIS-HC-6026- History of Modern Europe-II(c. 1780-1939)- The Paper makes the student aware of the different facets of European history with a understanding of the Concert of Europe and the Revolution of 1830 and 1848. Emphasis has also been made of the Italian and German unification as well as the First World War and ideologies like Nazism and Fascism.


Departmental mechanism is primarly associated with class room teaching by deliberating lectures by following both the traditional and digital methods. Apart from it , the department is enthusiatic in seminars, field trips and conducting sessional examiations in order to justify their overall progress in connection with the course and programmes as offered by the parent university.


Department: HISTORY
Qualification: M.A .( SLET )


Department: HISTORY
Qualification: M.A (NET)


Department: HISTORY
Qualification: M. A, NET

ID Class Session No. of Students
152TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2022-202325
151TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2021-202225
150TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2020-202120
149TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2019-202010
148TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2018-201917
147TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2022-202329
146TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2021-202225
145TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2020-202126
144TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2019-202023
143TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2018-201910
142TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) General2022-202328
141TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) General2020-202128
140TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) General2019-202018
139TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) General2018-201921
138TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2022-202358
137TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2021-202235
136TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2020-202131
135TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2019-202026
134TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2018-201924
133TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) General2022-202351
132TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) General2021-202235
131TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) General2020-202123
130TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) General2019-202028
128TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) General2018-201918

ID Year/Batch Course Total Admitted Total Appeared Total Pass Percentage of Pass Total Dropout

Students Placement Data
Year Name of the student who has been placed Program graduated from Year of graduation Name of the employer with contact details Pay package (in INR per annum) Supporting Document

Students Progression to Higher Education
Year Name of the student who has been placed Program graduated from Year of graduation Name of institution joined Name of program admitted to Supporting Document

ID Description File

ID Year Semester Classes Alloted Classes Held No. of Beneficiaries
ID Date Title Description File
4672024-03-10Departmental LibraryDepartmental library of the department of History,B.H. College, Howly, having near 250 numbers of books.
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4662024-04-27Faculty exchange program with Nabajyoti College,KalgachiaA faculty Exchange program is held on 27/04/2024 between Departments of History B.H College, Howly and Nabajyoti College,kalgachia Professor Imran Hussain Representing Department of History B.H College, Howly delivered a lecture on Five Years plan and the development of Assam.
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1852021-01-15PARTICIPATION AT THE ACT EAST POLICY AND INDIA-JAPAN IN NORTH-EAST INDIA WITH A SPECIAL FOCUS ON ASSAM ON 15TH JANUARY, 2021.Some photographs of the Act East Conference held on 15th Feb 2021 at the Sankardev Kalakshtra Auditorium where the honourable Japanese Ambassador Satoshi Suzuki had showed his willingness to improve the economic importance of Northeastern region through applying their skill and investment. The honorable Chief Minister of Assam Mr. Sarbananda Sonowal, honorable Finance, Health and Education Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma, honorable Industry Minister Mr. Chandra Mohan Patowary and honorable Cooperative Minister Mr. Siddhartha Bhattacharjya have extended their welcome speech to the Japanese representative by mentioning the economic and other potentialities of the region. The honorable Union Minister of External Affairs Mr. Jaishankar Subramaniam had delivered his prolific speech in which he laid stress on overall development of the North Eastern region by indicating the Indo Japan friendly relationship. The honorable Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma also put forth the statistics of the satisfactory economic growth of Assam. Finally, my thanks go to the Principal, B.H.College Howly, who has given us the opportunity to participate at the occasion in connection with the Indo-Japan Co-operation.
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1842020-01-27PARTICIPATION AT INDIA’S BIGGEST TRAINING CHAMPIONSHIP ENTREPRENEURSHIP CELL IIT KANPUROn 27/01/2020, Participation at India’s Biggest Training Championship Entrepreneurship Cell IIT Kanpur, DC Crackers held at B H College Seminar Hall. The programme is inaugurated by Dr. Sultan Ali Ahmed of the English Deptt. The programme is an effective one where the students of our Deptt have got the knowledge how to face the interviews Prof.N.M. Hazarika of History Deptt. Is allowed to conduct the programme by the authority .The students of History Deptt. are present at the programme.
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1812023-04-05Faculty Exchange Program with Barnagar College, Barnagar ShorbhogA faculty Exchange program is held on 05/04/2023 between Departments of History B.H College, Howly and Barnagar College Professor Mousumi Kachary Representing Department of History B.H College, Howly delivered a lecture on Rise of Christianity and Dr. Begum Sadeka Yasin delivered a lecture on Renaissance in Europe.
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1802023-02-27GUEST LECTURER PROGRAM PROF MIRAN HUSSAIN CHOUDHURYBy Guest Lecturer Prof Miran Hussain Choudhury of GLC College, Barpeta Road on 27/02/2023. The Lecture topic is Anti British Uprisings in Assam.
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992023-03-22Mentor Mentees Final List of History DepttMentor Mentees Final List of History Deptt
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942023-03-13PowerPoint presentation on Art and ArchitectureIndia is a land of Art and Architecture .It is the representation of the historical periods of our past .In order to inform to the students on 13 03 2023 a PowerPoint presentation was done where the History Honours students had extended their whole hearted cooperation and it's feedback shows their satisfaction in acquiring knowledge.
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912023-03-06An Extempore Speech programme on Indian HistoryAn Extempore Speech programme was conducted on 6/3/2023 by the History Deptt B.H. College Howly , venue , Seminar Hall in order to make confident on Indian History as the programme was specified to the topic Indian History splitting into various sub-themes .The participation of the students of all Semesters are a satisfactory one. The programme was inaugurated by Dr Sultan Ali Ahmed , Dept.of English through the deliberation of an encouraging speech .
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852021-01-12Celebraton of National Youth Day on 158 th Birth Anniversary of Vivekananda.Celebraton of National Youth Day on 158 th Birth Anniversary of Vivekananda.
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842020-03-18Educational Tour cum Picnic to Daranga Mela .Educational Tour cum Picnic to Daranga Mela .
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832021-02-14Farwell ceremony of Dr Damudor Choudhury HOD Hist B H College Howly.Farwell ceremony of Dr Damudor Choudhury HOD Hist B H College Howly.
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822023-06-08Departmental Freshers and farewell of 6th Sem Students on 8th June 2023Departmental Freshers and farewell of 6th Sem Students on 8th June 2023
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752023-02-17The Theme of the Cultural RallyParticipation at the cultural rally as organised by B H College Student Union on 17th Feb 2023 representing the historical themes of Anciant and Medieval Indian history .Equally represented Sati Jaymati , the warhero of Assam Lachit Barphukan who defeated the imperial Mughals and also represented Akbar and only Medieval female ruler Rezia Sultana. For representation of Ancient Indian History the Gupta Dynastys Samudragupta Indian Nepoleon, famous geographer Harisena and the composer of Allahabad Prasahti
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682023-02-01Mentor Mentees Policy of Deptt of History 2023Mentor Mentees list 2nd Sem History
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672021-01-03FEILD TRIP TO HAJO AND PUWA MACCAVisit to Hajo historical sites of Puwa Macca and Haigriv Madhav Temple for the architectural knowledge and cultural harmony with special reference to the Manikut festival on 3 01 2021 .by the Deptt of Hist
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662022-01-30FLIED TRIP TO THE SITE OF MADAN KAMDEV TEMPLE of Baihata CharaliOn the last Sunday dated 30th Jan we on behalf of the History Deptt of B H College Howly had conducted an educational trip to the archaeological site Madan Kamdev temple where the ruins are scattered in all directions of 10th Century built by the Pala rulers. The scupltures manifested the existence of the Hindu Deities including Uma ,Maheswar ,Sun, Ganesha and Swaraswati. These ruins significantly revealed the contemporary ideological and life philosophy of this historical period. The stone sculptures of the place are not only vibrant but also bears the testimony of inextinguishable knowledge of our cultural history. So the site may be considered as one of the important tourist spots for the connoisseurs of this field. Afterall the students of 3rd Semester of Honours Course of History Deptt. had learnt a lot from this educational field trip for doing their assignments of Skill Enhancement Course in connection with tourism .
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652022-11-06STUDY TRIP TO HISTRORICAL SITE OF NORTH GUWAHATI FROM DEPARTMENT OF HISTORYOn 6 11 2022 the students of 3rd Sem of Hist Deptt had visited at the historical sites of Norh Guwhati including the places of Aswaklanto, Daul Govindo temple and Auniati Satra. This visit is related to their skill enhancement paper Historical Tourism of North East India . HIS SE 3014 . They were required to done their assignment .
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642022-11-23PARTICIPATION 400 YEARS BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF LACHIT BORPHUKANParticipation of Dharmita Nath and Meijing Ramchiary of 6th Sem History Deptt B H COLLEGE HOWLY participated at the 400 Years Celebration of Lachit Barphukan Birth Anniversary at New Delhi sponsored by Govt of Assam
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