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B.H. College (Affiliated To Gauhati University)   An Institution With 'A' Grade As Accredited By NAAC


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Establishment: 1988-04-16
Intake Capacity: 55

Courses Offered

B.Sc in Zoology (Honours)

Total No. of Teaching Faculty: 4
Total No. of Classrooms with size in sq. meter: 4 No. of with 1600 sq. meter
Total No. of Laboratories with size in sq. meter: 2 Nos. of Laboratories with total 3400 sq. meter
No. of ICT Equipments Available: 2
No. of Books in College Library: 400
No. of Books in Departmental Library: 250
Teaching Plan for All Courses

The Department was opened in 1988 when Science Stream was introduced in the college initially only for higher secondary classes. At that time it was a single-faculty Department. The
founder teacher was Binoy Kumar Basumatary who later join in another college. In 1996, it was upgraded to a full-fledged Department with the opening of the under graduate programme. At that time Dr. Sadananda Nath, Nandita Nath and Dr. Nabajit Das joined in the department. Later Ms. Nandita Nath left the college to take up other assignment. Besides, Ms. Bhushana Das and Tribeni Das also served for brief periods as a
teacher in the Department.
At Present Dr. Sadananda Nath, Dr. Nabajit Das, Dr. Suruchi Singh and Pranab Chandra Debnath are the permanent faculty members of the Department. The Department of Zoology is a full-fledged department with four permanent teaching staff. The Department of Zoology (UG) has a well – established academic track record of having produced more than 250 graduates. The faculty members are all well qualified and laboratory facilities are of high standard. The objective of the department is to impart quality education and to make the students successful in every sphere of life.


The vision of the department is to motivate the students to enrich their knowledge on biological secrets of life and to make students understand the diversity, habitat and functioning of animals in order to conserve the environment and promoting the new biology and its cutting - edge -technology.


Mission of the department is to impart knowledge in animal sciences through innovative teaching and learning and also to make awareness about problems affecting animal and human health and world challenging environmental issues .To provide quality education thereby making entrepreneurs.


1. Acquire the knowledge of the scientific theorems, fundamental principles and basic concepts related to the science subjects and understand their relevance in their daily life.
2. Develop the skills in handling the scientific equipments and performing experiments for different types of studies and collection of various types of scientific data.
3. Learn to draw inferences, logical and scientific conclusions from the experimental data and develop the skills to compare theoretically.
4. Acquire the knowledge of observation, analysis, explaining the facts through novel methods of better understanding.
5. Learn to maintain ethical, moral and social values leading to highly cultured and civilized personality.
6. Students get plenty of opportunity to improve communication skills, learn life skills to establish good relationship with the society and to upgrade the standards of living.
7. Learn to realize pursuit of knowledge as life long activity and develop positive attitude towards every aspect of life thereby creating healthy environment, balanced mental and physical health which leads to successful and satisfactory life.
8. Learn social obligations and responsibilities, sustainable development and environmental protection, importance of biodiversity as well as ecological balance.
9. Learn to become a responsible and good citizen of our country, role model to the younger generations in every aspect of life.
10. Learn to stand against all forms of corruptions and social evils, and play active part in the protection of our national integration.


1. Students gain knowledge and skills in the fundamentals of animal science and understand the complex interactions among various living organisms.
2. Students understand the nature and basic concept of ecology, cell biology, physiology, genetics, taxonomy and applied zoology.
3. Students acquire knowledge on interactions among various animals of different Phyla, their distributions, complex evolutionary process and relationship with the environment.
4. Students are exposed to the knowledge on fundamentals of biochemistry, physiological processes of animals and relationship of organ systems.
5. Students develop knowledge on various aspects of zoology such as comparative anatomy of vertebrates, molecular biology, biochemistry of metabolic processes, developmental biology, principles of genetics, endocrinology, biology of insects and wild life conservation and management practices.
6. Students learn the application of biological science in apiculture, aquaculture, sericulture and medicine.
7. Students gather knowledge on application of computer science in biology and various biostatistical methods.
8. Students develop the skills of analyzing through different laboratory and field based experiments.
9. Field studies, projects and visit to places of biological importance, broadens students out look to the subject and encourages students to explore new fields of biological sciences.
10. Students are acquainted with latest technologies in biological science and recent trends in zoological research.


Course: B.Sc (Honours) in Zoology

Core Course I
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-1016 (Non-chordates I: Protists to Pseudocoelomates)
From this paper learners will be able to learn about various forms classification and structural anatomy of protozoa, cnidaria and worms. They will understand structural organization, nutrition and life cycle of Euglena, Amoeba, Paraecium as well as pathogenicity of Plasmodium vivax, canal system in porifera, polymorphism in cnidaria, metagenesis in obelia, evolutionary significance of ctenophora. They will also learn about the deferent phases in the life cycle of parasite like Fasciola hepatica, Taenia solium, Ascaris lumbricoides, Wucheria bancrofti and as well as Plasmodium vivax and Entamoeba histolytica

Core Course II
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-1026 (Principles of Ecology)
Learners will be able to know the fundamentals of ecology and impacts of ecological factors on living organisms from this course. After completion of this course the will learn auteclogy, synecology, laws of limiting factors, abiotic factors. They will also understand unitary and modular population, population density, natality, mortality, age and sex ratio, population growth form, population interaction, population dispersion, community, species diversity, ecotone ecological succession, ecosystem, different types of food chain, food web, energy flow, ecological pyramids, nutrient cycle as well as wildlife conservation.

Core Course III
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-2016 (Non-chordates II: Coelomates)
Learners will be able to learn various forms of coelomates, their classification and structural anatomy from this course. They will learn about metamerism and excretion in Annelida, respiration and vision in Arthopoda, social life in insects, evolutionary significance of Onychophora, torsion and detorsion in Mullusca, water vascular system in Ecinodermata, larval forms of Echinodermata, as well as affinities of Echinodemata with chordates from this course.

Core Course IV
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-2026 (Cell Biology)
This paper is about the structure and function of cell as the fundamental unit of life. Learners will learn about prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell and their differences, as well as different organelles of eukaryotic cell like Nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Mitochondria, perioxisomes. They will understand the structure and transport across plasma membrane. Semi autonomous nature of Mitochondria, They will also get to know about different types of cell division, cell cycle and cell signaling.

Core Course -V
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-3016 (Diversity of Chordata)
This course is about various forms of chordates, their classification and structural anatomy. Learners will learn about characteristics of Hemichordata, Urochordata and Cephalochordata, larval forms of protochordates, retrogressive metamorphosis in Urochordata, origin of chordata, Agnatha, migration and parental care in pisces, parental care in Amphibia, affinities of spehnodon, poison apparatus and biting mechanism of snakes, flight mechanism in birds, affinities in Prototheria, adaptive radiation of mammals for locomotion. In this course one unit is on Zoogeography, from this unit learners will able learn about zoogeographical realms and distribution of vertebrates in those realms, plate tectonics as well as continental drift.

Core Course VI
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-3026 (Animal Physiology: Controlling And Coordinating Systems)
This paper is about tissue, muscle, bone, reproductive system, nervous system and endocrine system. Learners will be able to learn about different types of tissue and bones and cartilage, their location, structure and functions. They will also understand bone growth, resorption, structure of neuron, origin as well as propagation of action potential across nerve fibres, different types of synapses and synaptic transmission, structure of muscle and basis of muscle contraction. From this course learners will also learn about histology of testis as well as ovary, physiology of reproduction and methods of contraception. This course also includes functioning of endocrine glands as well as neuroendocrine glands of human body and their regulation.

Core Course VII
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-3036 (Fundamentals of Biochemistry)
This paper is about biomolecules of living organisms and their interactions for perpetuation of life. From this course learners will be able to learn structure, types, functions and importance of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and amino acids. They will also learn about immunoglobulins, nucleic acids, DNA & RNA as well as their types. This course also includes one unit on enzymes, from which they will understand about different classes of enzymes, mechanism of enzyme action, factors affecting enzyme catalyzed reactions, allosteric enzymes, enzyme regulation and inhibition, Michaelis -Menten equation as well as concept of Km and Vmax.

Paper Code: ZOO-SE-3024 (Apiculture)
Learners will be able to know about the different species Honey bee and their scientific culture. They will also know about modern methods of artificial bee rearing, modern methods of employing artificial Beehives for cross-pollination in horticultural gardens etc.

Core Course VIII
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-4016 (Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates)
The paper aims to understand the students among different animals by comparing their anatomical systems. After completion of the course learners will be able to understand the anatomical similarities, differences and advance anatomical characters of animals from different phylum of vertebrates. They will learn about systems like integumentary, skeletal, reproductive, circulatory, urinogenital, nervous system of vertebrates.

Core Course IX
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-4026 (Animal Physiology & Life Sustaining Systems)
After completion of this course, learners will be able to learn the functions of living organisms and their parts including physical & chemical process like Physiology of Digestion, Physiology of Respiration, Renal Physiology, Physiology of Heart and blood etc. It provides a thorough understanding of normal body functions, enabling more effective treatment of abnormal or disease state.

Core Course X
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-4036 (Biochemistry of Metabolic Processes)
The paper is about the biochemistry of metabolic processes of living organisms. After completion of this course, learners will understands catabolism, anabolism, role of ATP as an energy currency of cell, metabolism of biomolecules like carbohydrates, protein, and lipid. They will also learn about Biosynthesis of palmitic acid, oxidative phosphorylation processes like electron transport chain. In addition they will also learn and can differentiate about the Gluconeogenesis, Glycogenolysis and Glycogenesis.

Paper Code: ZOO-SE-4014 (Non Mulberry Sericulture)
This skill enhancement paper will give details about the various sericigenous insects in N-E India. Students will learn the biology of Non mulberry silkworm as well as its rearing technology. They will also be familiar with the different types of pest and diseases of silk worm. How sericulture can be a good employment opportunity that also will be skilled by this paper after knowing Entrepreneurship in Non-Mulberry Sericulture.

Core Course XI
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-5016 (Molecular Biology)
This paper is about the molecular biology of living organisms. After completion, learners will understands features of DNA &RNA, their types, differences, replication DNA, Transcription of RNA, translation, DNA repair mechanisms and gene regulation. They also able to learn Proteins involved in initiation, elongation and termination of polypeptide chain, Inhibitors of protein synthesis etc.

Core Course XII
Paper Code: ZOO-HC-5026 (Principles of Genetics)
The aim of this paper is to give knowledge of genetics in agriculture, biology and medicine. After completion of this course learners will able to understand inheritance, role of linkage and crossing over in genetics, gene mutation, extra-chromosomal inheritance as well as transposable genes or jumping genes, Polygenic Inheritance, Recombination in Bacteria and Viruses etc.

Paper Code: ZOO-HE-5016 (Computational Biology and Biostatics)
After completing this paper, Students will know about the goal, scope, importance and application of Computational Biology in the modern days of computer age. They will know about the Biological databases; Primary, secondary and composite databases; Nucleic acid databases; Protein databases; Metabolic pathway databases and Small molecule databases. Application of Biostatistics in life science will be another part of this paper. Students will know the calculation of standard deviation, standard error, Coefficient of Variance, Chi-square test, Z test, t-Test and its application in life science.

Paper Code: ZOO-HE-5036 (Endocrinology)
The aims of this paper tried to emphasize basic principles and have illustrated them with examples taken both from clinical endocrinology and from comparative endocrinology. After completion of this course learners will be able to learn about
classification, characteristics of Hormone, Neurohormones, regulation of hormone action, second messengers, disorders of endocrine glands, Hyphothalmo-hypophysial Axis, structure of the different endocrine hormone.

Paper Code: ZOO-HC-6016 (Developmental Biology)
After completion of this course, learners will understand different phases of development, viz. early embryonic developmental stages, late embryonic development stages, post embryonic development, metamorphosis, ageing and implications of developmental biology. They are also able to know Teratogenic agents and their effects on embryonic
development; In vitro fertilization, Stem cell (ESC) and details about Amniocentesis.

Paper Code: ZOO-HC-6026 (Evolutionary Biology)
This paper aims to know the different evolutionary concepts of organisms like Darwinism, Lamarckism, evidences of evolution, heritable variations, population genetics, natural selection, phylogenetic tree and its interpretation. Learner will also able to understand the species formation concept, Microevolutionary changes, Genetic Drift and all about species extinction of organisms.

Paper Code: ZOO-HE-6016 (Biology of Insecta)
After completing this course learners will understand the general features, distribution of insects, their morphology, reproductive , endocrine , nervous system ,their classification, physiology & body system of insects social organization & behaviour of insects, role of alleolochemicals, insect plant interation, phytophagus insects, disease causing insect vectors.

Paper Code: ZOO-HE-6046 (Wild life Conservation and Management)
This paper aims to know wildlife Conservation ethics; the Importance of wildlife conservation and the present days demand to save the wildlife. Students will also know about the different methods of conservation practices including management of wild life. Ecology of wildlife conservation is the other aspect of this paper that will be learned by the students. Perspectives of Eco-tourism and its future scope in employment opportunity is one of the specific point to be learned by the students through this paper.


The department conduct regular sessional examination, MCQ based tests, Home assignment for each paper , Group discussion, seminars and viva voce.


Department: ZOOLOGY
Qualification: M.SC., PHD (GU)


Department: ZOOLOGY
Qualification: M.SC., M.PHIL


Department: ZOOLOGY
Qualification: M.SC., PHD, B.ED, SLET


Department: ZOOLOGY
Qualification: M.SC., M.PHIL., B.ED., P.HD.

ID Class Session No. of Students
85TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2022-202326
84TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) General2022-202322
83TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2022-202350
82TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) General2022-202345
81TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2022-202371
80TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2021-202236
79TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) General2021-202229
78TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2021-202228
77TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) General2021-202215
76TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2021-202260
75TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2020-202136
74TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) General2020-202112
73TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2020-202137
72TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) General2020-202130
71TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2020-202160
70TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2019-202031
69TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) General2019-202023
68TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2019-202036
67TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) General2019-202039
66TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2019-202048
65TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2018-201921
64TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) General2018-201926
63TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2018-201931
62TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) General2018-201942
61TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2018-201946

ID Year/Batch Course Total Admitted Total Appeared Total Pass Percentage of Pass Total Dropout
662023-2024Zoology (Honors)35262492.39
652022-2023Zoology (Honors)45353291.4510
642020-2021Zoology (Honors)45353510010
632020-2021Zoology (Honors)35242410011
622019-2020Zoology (Honors)3020168010
612018-2019Zoology (Honors)33212110012

Students Placement Data
Year Name of the student who has been placed Program graduated from Year of graduation Name of the employer with contact details Pay package (in INR per annum) Supporting Document

Students Progression to Higher Education
Year Name of the student who has been placed Program graduated from Year of graduation Name of institution joined Name of program admitted to Supporting Document

ID Description File

ID Year Semester Classes Alloted Classes Held No. of Beneficiaries
ID Date Title Description File
2222023-06-18Zoology Alumni Meet-2023Alumni Meet of Zoology Dept.
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2212023-04-24Govt. Sericulture Farm VisitSericulture Farm visit with 4th Sem (Honors) students.
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1462023-04-27Farewell to B.Sc 6th Sem-2023Students of B. Sc 4th Sem and B. Sc. 2nd Sem of our Dept. has organized a Farewell meet for the outgoing students (B. Sc. 6th Sem) of our Departments on 27-04-2023.
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1452023-03-31'Faculty Exchange Programme'- Dr. Suruchi SinghOur faculty Dr. Suruchi Singh has participated in the faculty exchange programme initiated by B. H. College with the neighboring colleges for further exchange of knowledge and ideas with the students of other college in the respective subject. On 31.03.2023, Dr. Singh has visited G. L. C. College of Barpeta Road and taken two classes of B.Sc. 2nd Sem & 4th Sem (Zoology honors).
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1440023-03-30Invited Talk organized by Dept. of ZoologyOn 30.03.2023, the event (Invited Talk) has been organized by Zoology Dept. for the students of the dept. Two resource person has been invited i.e. 1) Dr. Jihosuo Biswas, Programme Coordinator, Primate Research Centre NE India, Guwahati and 2) Mehtab Uddin Ahmed, Field Biologist, Primate Research Centre NE India, Guwahati.
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962023-03-17Group Discussion Activity by StudentsGroup Discussion Activity by Students
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612019-11-03Field TripField Trip to Manas National Park cum Tiger Project on 03/11/2019
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562019-09-23World Rhino DayWorld Rhino Day (23rd September), 2019 is observed by Manas National Park in association with WWF-India and B. H. College, Howly to promote the conservation needs of One Horn Rhino among the students community of Zoology subjects and others as general.
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552022-02-02'Central Zoo Authority' (CZA) invited talk by Dr. Nabajit DasMinistry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change through the Central Zoo Authority is conducting massive conservation awareness activities as part of 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav': Commemoration of 75 years of India’s Independence under the theme- Conservation to Co-existence: The people connect- #75weeks75species#75zoos. Dr. Nabajit Das of the Dept. was invited to talk about the Bengal Slow loris (a nocturnal primate species exclusively found in NE India) on 2nd Feb, 2022 as a part of this programme.
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502022-11-26ASOS (Under AHSEC) Practical Examination_2022Dept. of Zoology successfully completed the H. S. 2nd Year Biology (Zoology) Practical Examination of Assam State Open School (Under AHSEC) students from 23 to 28 November 2022.
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492022-11-20Knowledge sharing programme with SchoolsKnowledge sharing programme was conducted with GNB High School, Barpeta Road. Dr. Suruchi Singh of the Dept. sharing some of her expertise with the students of Class X and IX of that school.
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ID Sl. No. Name Year of Passing Present Status Image
3071Sikha Das2022Librarian, Dudhnoi College, Goalpara, Assam.
762Jyotisikha Barman2012Graduate teacher (under DSE, Govt. of Assam) , Barnagar JRP HS & MP School, Sorbhog
753Shilpa Rani Pathak2019Field Biologist at Aaranyak (a leading Nature Conservation NGO in NE India),Guwahati,Assam
744Md. Mehbub Alam2017Hospital Co-coordinator at NHM, Govt. of Assam,
735Papari Kalita2017Assistant Teacher in Upper Primary School, Govt. of Assam.
726Gautam Ghosh2019Work at Emergency Rescuer in Fire $ Emergency Services, Govt. of Assam
717Smita Roy2013TGT (Science) Army Public School, Narangi, Guwahati, Assam
708Jeherul Islam2017Assistant Professor at Jengraimukh College, Majuli, Assam
699Imamul Islam2017Assistant teacher under DEE, Govt. of Assam.
6710Najmin Parbin Ahmed2016Food Safety Officer, Govt. of Assam. Presently posted at Barpeta
6611Rahela Begum2013As an Assistant Teacher (Zoology) in KGBV, GOBARDHANA, MOUTUPURI, Howly-
6512Dipankar Das2007Senior manager, Indian Bank, FGMO office, Bengaluru
6313Biva Rani Swargiary2007Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Assam Don Bosco University, An alumni of International Visitors Leadership Programme (IVLP) in 2012
5414Jyotirupa Das2006Asstt. Entomologist in the O/O the Jt. Director of Health Services (Malaria), Guwahati, Assam.
5115Ruma Patgiri2006Assistant Teacher, Gobardhana High School, Barpeta, Assam
5016Dr. Dulumoni Tamuly2006Assistant Professor, Dept. of Zoology, MDKG College, Dibrugarh
4917Kapil Das2017Asstt. Teacher, Govt. of Assam
4818Sangeeta Basumatary2011State Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator at IGSSS- UNICEF.
4619Biswajyoti Nath2007Area Sales Manager - Blue Dart Express Ltd
4520Abdul Awal2013Station Officer, Fire & Emergency Services, Govt. of Assam
4321Muzammal Hoque2021In BSF, Govt. of India
ID Achievement Date View
74Dr. Nabajit Das has presented his research paper by Invitation in '29th Congress of International Primatological Society' held in Kuching, Malaysia (19 - 25 Aug, 2023)2023-08-30View File
52Dr. Nabajit Das's research paper published as key research article in the Journal 'CHEETAL', one of oldest journal of India published from 1958.2023-05-05View File
47Dr. Suruchi Singh, faculty of the Dept. has been selected as 'Mentor' for the ‘AROHAN’ programme, a state level Mentor mentee Programme for meritorious student, initiated by the Govt. of Assam.2023-04-28View File
46Pranab Chandra Debnath, faculty of the Dept. as Invited Speaker2023-03-06View File
38Jiman Parasar represented Barpeta District in 1st Youth-20 (Y-20) Inception Meeting under ‘G-20’2023-02-27View File
37Sagarika Pathak represented Barpeta District in 1st Youth-20 (Y-20) Inception Meeting under ‘G-20’2023-02-27View File
36Smita Das won 3rd Prize in Inter District Painting Competition.2022-12-29View File
35Priyanka Das won 1st Prize in Inter District Painting Competition2022-12-29View File
34Preety Jaiswal, 1st Prize in Classical dance Competition in 56th Annual College Week, 2022-23.2023-02-28View File
33Pawan Kumar Mahato, 1st prize in the event of Hand Craft, in 56th Annual College Week, 2022-232023-02-27View File
32Mrityunjoy Das, Certificate of excellence from AIE, Palwal, Haryana2023-02-27View File
31Moitreyee Madhu Talukdar, 2nd Prize in State level Essay Writing Competition.2023-02-25View File
30Samnath Muchahary, elected as Vice-president (UG) of B. H. College Student's Union, the first Vice-president (UG) from the Department2022-12-29View File
29Luis Daimary, elected as General Secretary of B. H. College Student's Union, the first General Secretary from the Department2022-12-29View File
26Faiznur Choudhury, 3rd position in All Assam Online Poster Competition.2023-02-27View File
25Charchita Basumatary, 5th prize in ‘Marathon Race’ (Girls)2023-02-26View File
24Barasha Kashyap, 2nd Prize in National level Art Competition2022-10-21View File
23Ananya Thakuria, 6th Sem (Honors), won the 3rd prize in 'Dorakoina competition' in 56th Annual College Week 2022-23 of B.H. College.2023-02-25View File
22Dr. Suruchi Singh presented oral presentation in International Conference on Biodiversity and Conservation (ICBC) in Shillong, Meghalaya2022-12-18View File
21Dr. Nabajit Das presented oral presentation at 8th Asian Primate Symposium, held in Hanoi, Vietnam, 14 -16 Nov, 20222022-11-25View File
20'Central Zoo Authority' (CZA) invited talk by our Faculty Dr. Nabajit Das in connection with 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’2022-03-08View File
19Jesmina Yesmin, a student of B.Sc 3rd Semester (Zoology Honors), secured GOLD MEDEL in 2nd India Open International Taekwondo Championship 2022 ( 24 – 25 Dec, 2022)2022-12-30View File

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