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B.H. College (Affiliated To Gauhati University)   An Institution With 'A' Grade As Accredited By NAAC


STATISTICS Department Notice View All

  • Department Profile

  • Faculty Members

  • Students Activities Log Book

  • Details of Enrollment

  • Admission Wise Result

  • Student Progression

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  • Tutorial/Remedial Class Details

  • Departmental Activities

  • List of Notable Alumni

  • Departmental Achievements

Establishment: 1984-08-01
Intake Capacity: 40 for Honours
60 for Generic

Courses Offered

Honours and Generic

Total No. of Teaching Faculty: 4
Total No. of Classrooms with size in sq. meter: 3
Total No. of Laboratories with size in sq. meter: 1
No. of ICT Equipments Available: 2
No. of Books in College Library: 421
No. of Books in Departmental Library: 90
Teaching Plan for All Courses

The department of Statistics was established in the year 1984 only with the general course and later on in 2015 major course was started. However the faculties of this department have also shouldered the responsibility of teaching Business Statistics in B. Com, M. Com. and BBA courses along with teaching the Probability paper of Mathematics Major Course in Non CBCS course. The department share a common teacher’s room with Mathematics department. The common computer lab is used for its practical papers in CBCS curriculum. The department also have a number of books for HS and UG level both for Non CBCS and CBCS course.


To create a quantitative mindset among the students for all round development of the students and to inculcate the habit of delivering statistical argument.


To enrich and enhance the students in the field of handling and analysing data. Moreover enable them to compete globally and render their knowledge in decision makings under uncertain circumstances.


Demanding and Highly future Prospects
May disseminate and collaborate with other fields


B.Sc, with Statistics as Honours subject in the undergraduate course has the following outcomes:
 The students accumulate knowledge on the history and origin of statistics.
The students will be able to study in detail some mathematical topics like calculus, algebra etc.
Students will learn about probability, its distribution and sampling distribution.
Students will learn about different sampling techniques used in surveys.
Along with descriptive statistics students will also learn about inferential statistics.
Topics like Linear Models, Statistical Quality Control, Stochastic Processes, Queuing Theory, Design of Experiments etc.will catalyse them to analyse and interpret real life data to take effective decisions.
Various statistical softwares like SPSS,R Excel, C, C++ etc. will help student to deal with the problems where critical analysis are required to sustain.


Paper Code Semester Course Outcomes
1st Semester Honours Students will be familiar with some basic concepts of Statistics like measures of Central tendency, Dispersion, Moments, Bivariate data, correlation and regression etc.
Understanding Index Numbers in applied field
1st Semester Honours Learn the basic concept of differential calculus.
Definite integrals, Double integral, Beta and Gamma functions.
Able to know formation and solution of Partial differential equations.

PAPER: STA-HC-2016 2nd Semester Honours Understand the basic concept of probability, probability distribution and their applications
PAPER: STA-HC-2026 2nd Semester Honours Basic understanding and application of Matrices and Vectors
3rd Semester Honours Understand the basic idea of sampling distribution of statistics and tests related to it, Order Statistics and the relationship between the Exact and sampling distribution
3rd Semester Honours Acquire the basic concept of sampling, understanding of probability and non-probability sampling and estimation procedures, bias in estimates and standard error of estimates. Acquintant with different official statistics of India and the role of organizations like MOSPI, CSO, NSSO etc.
3rd Semester Honours Understand real analysis and different terms related to it, the infinite series and different comparison tests, out limit, continuity and differentiability of functions of several variables. Acquainting with different terms and theorems of numerical analysis
Course Outcomes Department of Statistics (CBCS)

Paper Code Semester Course Outcomes
Paper Code Semester Course Outcomes
4th Semester Honours Acquintant with the properties of good estimators and minimum variance unbiased estimator. Understanding, the methods like maximum likelihood, moments, minimum chi-square and their properties and their application.

4th Semester Honours Understand the theory of linear estimation and concept of Gauss Markov Theorem, Regression analysis with hypothesis testing, variance and co-variance for fixed effect models and basic concept of prediction.

4th Semester Honours Know the concept of statistical quality control, control chart, and rational sub-grouping, preparation of control charts for variables and attributes. Basic knowledge of Six-sigma limit.
5th Semester Honours Know about generating function and introduction to stochastic process, Markov chain and classification of states and chains, Poisson process and its properties and queuing model m/m/1 with finite and infinite system capacity
5th Semester Honours Understand the history and importance of C- programming.
6th Semester Honours Understand the basic principle of design of experiments and basic terms. Applications of CRD, RBD, LSD, split plot design, strip plot design and BIBD. Also concept of factorial experiment.
6th Semester Honours Able to understand the bi-variate and multivariate distribution and their properties. Acquire the knowledge of different non-parametric test.

Paper Code Semester Course Outcomes
PAPER: STA- HE- 5016
5th Semester Honours Have knowledge of Operation Research, its origin, phases and development. Also learn the LPP its mathematical formulation, solution and applications. Acquire knowledge about Transportation problems, Game theory and Inventory Management like EOQ model with its variations, ABC
PAPER: STA- HE- 5026
5th Semester Honours Have knowledge about Time series data, its components and applications in real life. Able to determine the Trend values using different methods and determine and eliminate Seasonal variations presents in a data set using different methods. Also basic understanding of forecasting.
6th Semester Honours Acquire the knowledge of population composition, dependency ratio, different mortality measurements like Crude death rate(CDR), Specific death rate(SDR), Standardized death rate (STDR), Infant mortality rate (IMR) and different fertility measurements like Crude birth rate (CBR), General fertility rate(GFR), Total fertility rate(TFR), Gross reproduction rate (GRR), Net reproduction rate(NRR). Also through this paper students are able to understand how to construct life tables and what are stationary, stable populations etc.
PAPER: STA- HE- 6046
6th Semester Honours Have knowledge to identify a real life problem for project. Able to collect data from real life situation, analyzed the data and present in the form of statistical report.

Paper Code Semester Course Outcomes
1st Semester Understand the various methods of collection, tabulation and graphical presentation of data with basic measures of central tendency and dispersion. Acquire the basic knowledge of correlation, regression and finite difference.
2nd Semester Learn basic concept of probability and related theorems and random variables with their expectation, moments and variance. Acquire the knowledge of discrete and continuous standard distributions
3rd Semester Understand the concept of hypothesis non parametric tests, categorical data analysis, tests of association and goodness of fit. Acquire the basic concept of design of experiments and techniques of analysis of CRD and RBD.

4th Semester Learn the concept of time series, different components and their measurements, different types of index numbers and their constructions. Acquire the knowledge of statistical quality control, control charts for variables and attributes. Knowledge of population, fertility, mortality and concept of demand analysis.
5th Semester Know the concept of operation research, LPP, graphical and simplex method of solving LPP. Understand the techniques of solving transportation problem and problems of game theory. Also acquire the knowledge inventory management, EOQ model and related terms.
6th Semester Have the concept of Econometric models for two or more variable, the least square assumptions and estimation of regression parameters and idea of multiple regression analysis, estimation and inference.

Course Outcomes Department of Statistics (FYUGP-NEP)
Paper Code Semester Course Outcomes
1st Semester Honours/Core Understanding the methods of data collection. Understanding the concept of central tendency, dispersion and location. Understanding the basic probability theorem and its applications. Also understanding concept of random variables and expectations of univariate random variable.
2nd Semester Honours/Core Understanding of bi-variate data analysis including correlation and regression and principle of least squares. Understanding of basic probability distributions and their applications. Also able to acquire the basic concept of hypothesis and testing. Able to understand the principles of finite differences and interpolation with Newton-Raphson, divided difference, Simpsons rule etc.


Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode:
• Our college has an academic calendar reflecting different plans and programmes of the college for an academic session. The tentative time period for holding the internal examination (sessional) for both odd and even semesters are mentioned in the said calendar.
• Additionally, the departmental calendar of activities and perspective educative plan also provide the students with all necessary information regarding the departmental activities.
• Thus, publication of academic calendar and departmental perspective educative plan guide the students on different academic activities at the college level.
• The mechanism of internal assessment (IA) is a two way process conducted at the college as well as departmental level.
• Internal assessment (IA) is conducted with a total weightage of 20% of the total marks allotted to a course /paper i.e. 20 marks for a 100 marks paper.
• The sessional examination for both odd and even semester are conducted centrally by the college under the supervision of a duly constituted examination board. The examination board serves as a nodal agency for implementing all examination related issues as per the guideline and course curriculum of the affiliating university.
• The sessional or mid-term examinations are conducted for 50% of the total marks allotted for internal assessment of a course/ paper i.e. 10 marks out of 20 marks allotted for internal assessment.
• For convenience of setting question papers and covering the syllabus, the sessional examinations are held for 30 marks and the marks secured by the students are proportionately converted to be out of 10 marks.
• The duration of the examination is of one hour and twenty minutes. The question papers are set by the concern teacher of the paper/course.
• The department follows the practice of showing the evaluated answer scripts to the students and providing necessary suggestions for further improvement of the students. It helps the students to overcome any level of difficulty faced by them.
• In addition to the sessional examination the department encourages the teachers to conduct special class tests preferably for each unit of the course covered by the concerned teachers. The tests are meant to provide the students with necessary inputs regarding their level of knowledge on the subject matter of the topics covered. The department stress on holding minimum 2 (two) class tests per semesters.
• Based on class attendance, 20% of 20 marks are allotted to internal assessment. Hence, 4 marks are awarded to the students based on class attendance. The criteria for awarding marks under this category is: 1 marks to 76% to 80% class attendance; 2 marks to 81% to 85% class attendance; 3 marks to 86% to 90% class attendance and 4 marks to 91% & above class attendance.
• On the basis of performance of the students on home assignments, seminars, group discussion, field work, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, 30% of 20 marks are awarded to the students. Hence, 6 marks are allotted to this category.
• The department believes in formative assessment methods. Continuous periodic assessments of all the students are carried out by conducting quizzes, cross questioning, class test, MCQ based test, and group discussion among the students.
• Performance on the experiments done in the practical classes by the students is assessed by constant monitoring. Viva-voce is also conducted to ascertain their level of understanding.


Department: STATISTICS
Qualification: PH.D


Department: STATISTICS
Qualification: M.PHIL, PHD

ID Class Session No. of Students
355TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2023-202411
354TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2023-20248
353TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2023-202425
352TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2022-202315
351TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2022-202312
350TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2022-20238
349TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2021-202215
348TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2021-202216
347TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2021-202217
346TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2020-202115
345TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2020-202114
344TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2020-202116
343TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2019-202016
342TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) Major2019-202034
341TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2019-202017
340TDC 3rd Year (5th and 6th sem) Major2018-201925
339TDC 2nd Year (3rd and 4th sem) General2018-201921
338TDC 1st Year (1st and 2nd sem) Major2018-201943

ID Year/Batch Course Total Admitted Total Appeared Total Pass Percentage of Pass Total Dropout
832022-2023Add-On Course on Data Science65515110014

Students Placement Data
Year Name of the student who has been placed Program graduated from Year of graduation Name of the employer with contact details Pay package (in INR per annum) Supporting Document

Students Progression to Higher Education
Year Name of the student who has been placed Program graduated from Year of graduation Name of institution joined Name of program admitted to Supporting Document

ID Description File
17Student Progression of the Department of statistics View Files
16List of Alumni Of the Department of Statistics View Files

ID Year Semester Classes Alloted Classes Held No. of Beneficiaries
ID Date Title Description File
4622023-10-04Lecture ProgramA lecture programme on " Modern Prospects of Studying Statistics " was organized by department of Statistics B .H. College Howly on 4th October, 2023 at 12.30 P.M.. Dr. Nijara Rajbonshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics Bhattadev University , Bajali act as a resource person . This program was held in the seminar hall of th e college . D r. Nijara Rajbonshi gave a valuable talk on importance of studying Statistics for the degree students . She highlighted the different avenues available for Statistics graduates . Her talk also highlights the higher studies available and different job prospects for the students after graduating by taking Statistics as a honours subject. Her lucid and resourceful talk benefited the students a lot. The department is very grateful and thankful to Dr. Nijara Rajbonshi for spending her precious time with us .
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4212023-09-19Intra Departmental SEminarA seminar programme w as held in Statistics department on 19th September, 2023 at computer laboratory. All the 3rd and 5th semester students of statistics (Honours) presented their paper . There were 8 topics and 8 groups and the students presented their topics in PPT format . Dr. Bagsmrita Bhagawati, Dr. C. k Sarmah (HoD) and Prof. Hrishikesh Majumdar were present in the seminar program. The students presented their topics one by one with full enthusiasm. After presentation there was question answer session. At the end of the intra departmental seminar , Dr. Bagsmrita Bhagawati talked about the pros and cons of each presentation.
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4202023-10-19Fresher’s Cum Alumni Cum Get-togetherThe freshers and get together was held on 19 October, 2023. A freshmen social is an experience that new college students cherish for a life time . It serves as an ice breaker by bringing together new and old students and hence creating friendship. This get toge the r witnessed present freshers, pass out students (senior) 6th and 4th semester students. All the teachers of the departmental along with principal sir and vice principal sir grace this occasion. This program was held with enjoyable performances like dance , attractive shayari and more . More over, Bhaskarjyoti Das, a pass out student performed a beautiful song which bring a very lively environment to the program. Then the freshers students introduced themselves very beautifully . Principal sir gave a valuable speech along with beautiful shayari . The presence of students from different batches starting from 2015 - 18 to 2023 - 24 made the program a very successfull and enjoyable . And lastly program was ended with a shayari from D r. C . K . Sarmah , HoD of the department.
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4052024-03-31Newsletter 2024This newsletter is a humble attempt to show cast the activities of the department of statistics. This is the 2nd attempt of the department to depict the department and students activities in digital format. This newsletter is prepared with the sole objective of disseminating the departmental activities with others and hoping that it may encourage the members of the statistics department to work with enjoyment and effectively. Further the release of this newsletter in digital format will be a small step to savings trees to an extent.
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4042023-03-31Newsletter 2023This newsletter is a humble attempt to show cast the activities of the department of Statistics. This is the first attempt of the department to depict the department and students’ activities in digital format. This newsletter is prepared with the sole objective of disseminating the Statistics departmental activities with others and hoping that it may encourage the members of the Statistics department to work more tirelessly and effectively. Further the release of this Newsletter in digital format will be a small step in saving trees to an extent.
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3872023-02-01One week online research methodology workshop from 1st to 7th February 2023Report Workshop oorganized by: VART Research, Mumbai in collaboration with Department of Statistics and IQAC, BH College, Howly, Assam Workshop Coordinators: 1) Dr. Chavan Kr. Sarmah Assistant Professor and HOD Department of Statistics B.H. College,Howly, Barpeta ,Assam 2) Dr. Bagsmrita Bhagawati Assistant Professor and HOD Department of Statistics B.H. College,Howly, Barpeta ,Assam 3) Dr. Jayanta Kumar Bora Founding &Executive Director of VART Research, Mumbai Date &Time: 1st to 7th February, 2023, 6 PM-8 PM through Online Platform: Google Meet No. of Participants : 30 No. of Resource Persons : 6 Keeping in view of the immense benefits of online training programmes in present educational setup, the VART Research, Mumbai in collaboration with the department of Statistics and IQAC, BH College, Howly, Assam organized an week long workshop on Research Methodology for faculty members,research scholars and academicians across the country from 1st to 7 th February, 2023,6PM -8 PM in google meet. Altogether 30 participants from the states of Assam, Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh, Haryana, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Bihar took part in the training programme. In the inaugural session the welcome speech was delivered by Dr. Rabinjyoti Khataniar,Coordinator of IQAC, B.H. College, Howly. Dr. Chavan Kr. Sarmah, HoD of One Week Online Workshop on Research Methodology (1 – 7th February, 2023) pg. 2 Statistics of B.H. College, Howly also grace the occasion. Following are the invited resource persons to address various key issues of research.  Dr. Nandita Saikia, Professor, Department of Public Health and Mortality Studies, IIPS, Mumbai talked on How to write a good scientific research paper/project proposal?, Process of journal public
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3862021-01-04One week online student training programme on MS Excel and SPSS software from 4th to 10th January 2021Week Long Online Students’ Training Programme on Statistical Software held at B. H. College, Howly A week long online Students’ Training Programme on MS Excel and SPSS software was organized by the Department of Statistics in collaboration with IQAC, B. H. College, Howly from 4th January to 10th January, 2021 using Google Meet online platform. Mr. Jayanta Kr. Bora, Founding Director of VART Consulting PVT Ltd., Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, a Doctoral Fellow at the Indian Institute of Dalit Studies (IIDS), New Delhi was invited as the Resource Person of this workshop. It should be mentioned that VART Consulting PVT Ltd. is renowned for such value based analytical training programme across the country. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. B. C. Pathak, Principal, B.H. College, Howly. IQAC Coordinator Dr. Subhas Das and Dr. C.K. Sarmah, HoD, Statistics also graced the occasion. The program was coordinated by Dr. Bagsmrita Bhagawati, Senior Faculty of the Department of Statistics. All together there were eighty registered participants. Apart from the students of B. H. College, Howly, a few students from Kokrajhar Govt. College and some research scholars also joined the workshop. The participants took part in the hands on training on statistical software like MS Excel and SPSS with full of enthusiasm. In the valedictory function held on 10th January, 2021, the participants intimately exchanged their views with the Resource Person and lauded the articulation, efforts and energy shown by Mr. Bora in the whole training programme. They also commended the effort of the Department of Statistics along with the college authority for organizing such skill enhancing programme for students and urged the college authority to organize more of such student centric programme
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ID Sl. No. Name Year of Passing Present Status Image
2831Nihar Pathak2022Pursuing M.Sc
2822Bhaskarjyoti Das2021Block Level Felow, BTR
2813Biju Roy2020TGT
2804Suravi Nath2019Pursuing Ph.D
2795Saheb Saha2018PGT
ID Achievement Date View
91Four Students of 6th semester (2022-23 batch) students has successfully completed the project funded by Satya Nath Das Research Fund, B. H. College Howly and published in Assam Statistical Review2023-03-30View File

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