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B.H. College (Affiliated To Gauhati University)   An Institution With 'A' Grade As Accredited By NAAC

Medical Cell

About Medical Cell

Medical Cell is a voluntary unit of the college. The cell actively participates in matters pertaining to the students' health, safety, and general well-being as well as that of the surrounding community in general. The cell's primary concern is the health of the faculty, staff and students and it places particular attention on water, sanitation, pollution control, the safety of food and drugs, health education, illness surveillance, urban planning, occupational health, and the general hygiene of the college.
1. To plan seminars and workshops on health, sanitation, and hygiene.
2. To host Blood Donation and Free Health Checkup Camps on college campuses.
3. Providing First Aid resources.
4. To aid in keeping the surrounding area and college campus clean.
5. To encourage pupils to live healthy lives.
6. To educate people on the value of water, sanitation, and hygiene.
7. To inspire students to take on leadership roles and duties for community services.
8. To plan awareness campaigns for more hygienic behaviours, such as using the lavatory, washing one's hands, being conscious of one's health and hygiene, and disposing of waste, etc.
The cell's vision is to elevate the institution to a position of leadership where it may be seen as a model environmentally conscious and highly sanitary organisation for the larger community.
The cell strives to broaden people's understanding and perspectives on the topic of health and sanitation concerns that affect not only college students but also residents of the surrounding areas. With the use of workshops, seminars, symposia, and other internal and external programmes, the cell encourages students and the local community to lead sanitary and healthy lifestyles. In this regard, the Cell works with various NGOs, Hospitals, enters into MOUs with Medical Professionals, and organises several camps within the college grounds, including Free Health Camp, First-Aids activities, Blood Donation Camp, etc.


Name Designation
Dr. Bhupesh ChoudhuryAdviser
Dr. Jinakshi Chutia, Assistant Professor, Dept. of HindiCo-ordinator
Dr. Dewan Saiful Islam (Physician)Member
Dr. Dhira Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor, Dept. of PhilosophyMember
Dhiraj Kr. Sarma, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ChemistryMember
Dr. Dipali Kherkatary, Assistant Professor, Dept. of BodoMember


Name of the EventDescriptionSupported Document
Talk on ‘Habits for Good Health’The Medical Cell of B.H. College, Howly organized a Popular Talk on ‘Habits for Good Health’ on 03/06/2023. The resource person for the talk was Dr. Dipankar Das, Chief Interventional Cardiologist of Swagat Hospital, Guwahati. He emphasized about the habits that one can form in order to lead a healthy life. He reiterated about the food habits which are major underlying factor for various diseases. Furthermore, he talked about how stress leads to different diseases and how to alleviate stress. For students he highlighted how stress of preparation before the exam can have a negative impact on their health and therefore urged those to continuously study for shorter period of time but on a regular basis rather than studying everything at one go. He also took part in an interactive session with the students as well as the teachers. He cleared their doubts very well. Faculty members as well as students from different departments were present. On that event, Dr. Bhushan Chandra Pathak, Principal, B.H. College, Howly also contributed his enlightening speech on emotional well being. The program was concluded by a vote of thanks by Dhiraj Sharma, Assistant Professor, Deptt of Chemistry of the college.
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Free Heart Screening CampOn 3rd June, 2023, a Free Heart Screening Camp was organized by the Medical Cell of B.H. College, Howly in collaboration with Swagat Hospital, Maligaon, Guwahati at B.H. College, Howly especially for teaching and non- teaching staff of the college. The Heart Screening Camp was headed by renowned cardiologist Dr. Dipankar Das. Along with Dr. Das his team members also offered their service. The venue of the event was B.H. College Guest House from 11-00 am onwards. Almost all the teaching as well as non teaching staff participated in the health check-up.
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A Special Talk on Women Health Care and Health Check Up Camp on 20/03/2024On 20th March 2024, a Special Talk on Women Health Care and Health Check Up Camp was organized by the Medical Cell in collaboration with IQAC, B.H. College, Howly. The event was graced by renowned Gynecologist & Obstetrician Dr. Arup Kalita , Senior Medical Officer, Barpeta Road FRU. The health care camp was for the boarders of the Women’s Hostel, B.H. College, Howly. The respected speaker illuminated the boarders on women health and hygiene.
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Health Check-up Programme on 20/11/2024The Medical Cell of B.H.College, Howly has assisted a free Health Check-up Programme for children of age 6 to 18 years under the scheme "Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram" of National Health Mission on the 20th November,2024. The Health Check-up Programme is carried out by a Mobile Health Team under Barpeta Road Block PHC, accompanied by Dr. A. Zaman(Medical Officer) and his team.
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