Celebration of International Women’s Day, date: 08.03.2023
Description: On March 8th 2023, International Women’s Day was observed in the Seminar Hall of B.H.College, Howly under the aegis of the B.H. Collge Women’s Cell. The theme of the meeting, “Digit ALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality”, remained the same as set forth by the United Nations Organisation. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Rodali Talukdar, seniormost member of B.H. College Women’s Cell. Dr. Jinakshi Chutia, Secretary of B.H. College Women’s Cell, outlined the purpose of the meeting. The meeting’s Keynote Speaker, Dr. Nabajit Das, Assistant Professor discussed women’s empowerment in relation to nations of different parts of the world viz. Vietnam and Kenya. He exhorted the students who were present at the event to develop self-learning and independence in every field. Another speaker at the event, Ms. Bidisha Duwarah, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English delivered an online audio lecture emphasizing the value of digital learning. She also exhorted the students to educate their own families and neighbours about digital technologies. She also talked about digital equity for women. The students were urged by Mrs. Usha Das, Associate Professor, Dept. of Assamese, to develop their digital literacy and also recommended to read online journals which are available free of cost. Prof. Sailen Kakati, Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics also motivated the students by speaking about Muhammed Yunus, the laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize on how he used simple innovative techniques for empowerment and uplifting of rural people. Dr. Deepmoni Das, Associate Professor and HoD, Dept. of Engilsh also gave an enriching speech related to women empowerment. Dr. Rabinjyoti Khataniar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics & Coordinator, IQAC addressed the audience and emphasized upon Gender Equality and use of ICT tools in education. Dr. B.C. Pathak, the respected Principal of B.H. College, Howly shared his insights and experiences regarding the subject matter. The event could gather a sizable faculty members and students’ attendance. The event was really inspiring which enlightened the students and teachers alike and was in consonance with the theme put forwarded by the UNO. Dr. Padma Sarkar, Assistant Professor offered the Vote of Thanks at the conclusion of the meeting.
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